Posts Tagged 'bad drivers'

Red light, Stop light!

Some drivers still do not believe that a red light means stop!  It’s a kind of ‘roll through kinda slowly and no one will notice’ thing.  Yes we have all probably done it in the past, but it’s particularly troublesome when there is a high volume of car and pedestrian traffic. But lets check out those idiots (oops, did I say that out loud!), I mean those educated drivers running rampant in our streets, once more time.  Kind of a favourite pass time for me in my senior years.  Yes, I know what you are saying, that old coot has too much time on his hands.  Put him away!

Never-the-less, have you ever come up to a red light and made a proper stop at the stop line?  Yes, the ‘stop line’ that is painted on the pavement at just about every intersection controlled by traffic lights!  After many years of observation in towns and cities that I have lived in across Ontario, not many people observe this simple device.  Its purpose is pretty obvious I would think.  It is supposed to keep the stopped traffic out of the intersection and the pedestrian cross-walk, so that traffic can proceed better with no obstructions.

Now I am far from a perfect driver, but I do try to keep out of the intersection by stopping at the stop line.  On many occasions I’ve come up to the red light in the right lane to make a right turn.  Now I also know that the Ontario traffic law, at most intersections, state that I can make a right turn if there are no cars or pedestrians in the way, and after I have come to a full stop!  How many times have you seen that scenario happen?  Most times, the drivers come screeching up to the corner, and without stopping,  make the right turn almost on two wheels,  without checking for traffic or pedestrians, and speeding off down the road giving everyone the old one finger ‘Canadian Salute’!

Back to the intersection, I have come to a full stop at the stop line, and I am waiting for the traffic to clear so I can proceed to make a right turn.  Next thing I know, a big van or truck pulls up in the centre lane, well over the stop line, and quite often, right into the pedestrian walkway.  Now that may be just fine for that idiot of a driver, because he can see right into the intersection and can get a good jump on the surrounding traffic when the light turns green.   But what about the pedestrians who now have to dart out into the traffic in front of this guy, in order to cross the street?  Not very safe I might add. 

Also it makes me a little hot under the collar.  Now I can’t see the oncoming traffic from the left because this behemoth is parked beside me!  I suppose if I had a larger vehicle, like a tank, instead of my little economy car, then I could push my way through the intersection with no regard whatsoever of other vehicles or pedestrians like some jerks do!  However, being a practicle man, and a fairly flexible time-table, I am in no particular hurry, because I have allowed extra time for my journey.   I just wait for the light to turn green, and after all the pedestrian and car traffic has cleared out, I then proceed to make my turn.  Maybe it’s just me, but it seems there are more and more of these idiots out there every year.  And they all seem to follow me around!  Go figure.   Who knows, I may be back as a driving instructor in a future life!  Not bloody likely!  More to come.

Driving us crazy

How about the road show in these here parts!  Driving anywhere in this country requires you to keep your eyes wide open.  Sometimes I wonder in what cereal box some of these present day drivers got their driver’s licence.

Take the other day for instance.  I’m driving on a one-way street, at the legal speed limit I might add, when all of a sudden a car comes out of a side street, through the stop sign from my left side and makes a left hand turn onto my one-way street in front of me and almost hits my car!  Then the passenger in the other car  raises his fist at me as though it was my fault!  Makes you wonder, eh?

I don’t know how many readers out there have ever watched the TV program called “Canada’s Worst Drivers” but I have been watching it for as long as it has been playing, and it tells how some of these drivers got their licence!  For instance, one young attractive lady said when she went to take her drivers examination, she wore a low, low cut top and a very mini-skirt, flashed her big long eye-lashs at the examiner, and he sort of melted right in front of her, and while he was gazing at the stars, she placed the pen in his hand and had him sign the paper!  Pretty simple if you ask me.   But it certainly dosen’t put a safe and knowledgeable driver on the road.  More horror stories to come.


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